Quantitative market assessment of preselected diseases and selection of potential new indications
Client Problems
A pre-clinical client with a novel drug platform wants to identify the best market for trials and product launch.
Client wanted to understand landscape and market potential for five preselected chronic diseases.
Client wanted to know if any other diseases for their preselected anatomy were viable markets as well.
What We Did
Quantitative assessment of unmet need, symptom severity, commercial viability and competition was done for preselected indications.
An additional ~100 other candidate diseases within appropriate anatomy were identified and scored as either worth examining further or not.
Diseases outside of initial anatomy that were compatible with client platform were also identified.
Our Results And Insight
Patient flow and segmentation to determine therapeutic opportunity
A database of all potential diseases with appropriate criteria was built
Potential diseases that scored well were compared based on unmet need and quality of life
Each disease was compared on market size, technical feasibility and commercial and clinical landscape
All potential diseases were scored based on market size and technical compatibility with platform
Additional indications with diseases compatible with client platform were identified, researched and suggested
See other case studies
Commercial Strategy case studies >
Portfolio Management case studies >
Gene Therapy & Orphan Disease case studies >
Service Areas Details
Commercial Strategy (Indication Prioritization), Portfolio Management
Therapeutic Areas Details
Gene Therapy & Orphan Disease